What do Americans fear most?

what do americans fear most

A poll of 3,000 Americans yielded the following top five fears: 1. Speaking before a group. 41 percent 2. Heights. 32 percent 3. Insects and bugs. 22 percent 4. Financial problems. 22 percent 5. Deep water. 22 percent

How much is the number googol?

how much is the number googol

First used in 1940 by nine-year-old Milton Sirotta, the number googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. It was brought to public attention by Sirotta’s uncle, mathematician Edward Kasner, in his book Mathematics and the Imagination.

Who developed the lobotomy?

who developed the lobotomy

The prefrontal lobotomy was invented by Portuguese surgeon Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz (1874-1955) for patients with incurable mental disturbances. Moniz, who also served as the foreign minister of Portugal from 1918 to 1919, was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1949.

How long are the intestines?

how long are the intestines

The small intestine, which is contained in the central and lower abdominal cavity, is 20 to 23 feet long. The large intestine is 5 feet long.

What causes hail?

what causes hail

Hailstones begin as frozen raindrops or pellets of snow in a thunderstorm cloud. These “hail embryos” are carried by updrafts to a part of the storm where droplets of water exist in a supercooled state (that is, in liquid form at temperatures below freezing). These supercooled droplets freeze into ice when they strike the surface … Read more

What causes balding?

what causes balding

Balding occurs when hair follicles shrink and become less productive. Instead of the new hairs being cultivated to replace the ones that fall out naturally each day, they are allowed to remain embryonic, at the most, in a light, peach-fuzz stage. Probably some hormonal action triggers the follicles to behave this way, but it is … Read more

How does quicksand work?

how does quicksand work

Quicksand doesn’t work by pulling you down. Quicksand is nearly always found above a spring, which creates a supersaturated condition that makes the sand frictionless and unable to support weight. In addition, quicksand is airless, which creates suction as you struggle to get free. The most effective way to escape quicksand is to position yourself … Read more

What kind of calendar do we use, the Julian or the Gregorian?

what kind of calendar do we use the julian or the gregorian

Most of the world’s non-Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 as a reform of the Julian calendar. The latter, instituted by Julius Caesar, had been in use since 46 B.C. Americans have used the Gregorian calendar since 1752. What’s the difference between the the Julian or the Gregorian … Read more

What is avoirdupois weight?

what is avoirdupois weight

Avoirdupois weight is the system we use whenever we measure a grain, dram (27.3 grains), ounce (16 drams), or pound (16 ounces).

What is glass made of?

what is glass made of

Glass is generally made of three components: silica, in the form of sand; an alkali flux, such as soda or potash, which promotes fusion; and lime, which stabilizes the mixture. In the process of being heated and then cooled, glass loses its crystalline nature and becomes an amorphous but rigid substance. Like a solid, it … Read more

What does it mean to galvanize steel?

what does it mean to galvanize steel

To galvanize steel means that a zinc coating is applied, either by “hot-dipping” the steel in molten zinc or by electroplating it in an electrolytic process. Thus protected against exposure, galvanized iron or steel is less liable to rust.

Is there a gluteus minimus along with the gluteus maximus?

is there a gluteus minimus along with the gluteus maximus

Yes. There are three gluteus muscles, the large, fleshy muscles of the buttocks that connect the hipbone (the pelvic girdle) and the thighbone (the femur). The gluteus maximus is the muscle at the surface of the buttocks, below which is the gluteus medius. The gluteus minimus is below that.

Has anyone ever been hit by a meteorite?

has anyone ever been hit by a meteorite

At least two people have been hit by a meteorite. In September 1954, Mrs. Hewlett Hodges of Sylacauga, Alabama, was hit by a meteorite as she napped in her living room. The rock from space weighed about 10 pounds. In the late 1930s, a Japanese girl was also hit by a small meteorite.

What is a quasar?

what is a quasar

A quasar is another name for a quasi-stellar object. It looks like a star but emits as much radiation as an entire galaxy, with a volume far smaller than that of our Milky Way galaxy. No one knows what a quasar is; recent evidence suggests it might be a galaxy with a big black hole … Read more

How fast is continental drift?

how fast is continental drift

The plates (solid segments of the earth’s crust and upper mantle) that consist mostly of continents move at an average speed of about 2 centimeters per year. Europe and North America are moving apart at about this speed. The plates that are mostly under the oceans move faster, at an average speed of about 10 … Read more

How hot is the sun?

how hot is the sun

At its surface, the sun is about 7,640 degrees Fahrenheit. In other words, very hot. In the sun’s interior, temperatures can range above 18 million degrees Fahrenheit.